Jeff Grover "addressed taffic problems by pushing for change at the Stanislaus Council of Governments...Jeff Grover is a excellent to retain him."

Modesto Bee
Editorial, 5/12/2006





“Jeff Grover has fought hard to protect prime farmland, manage our growth and
stop urban sprawl.”

Wayne Zipser,
Executive Manager
Stanislaus County Farm Bureau




“Jeff Grover is working tirelessly to reduce traffic congestion because he knows better roads and highways will help attract more local jobs.”

Joy Madison, President
Modesto Chamber of Commerce


“Supervisor Jeff Grover helped add 25 new deputy sheriffs and increase the public safety budget by 34%...he’s a leader in the fight to protect our neighborhoods.”

Sheriff Les Weidman, Retired
Stanislaus County

"Jeff Grover is working to better coordinate housing and land use priorities. He cares about our communities."

Tony Diaz, Board Chairman
Hispanic Chamber of Commerce,
Stanislaus County

“By streamlining county departments and cutting wasteful spending, Jeff Grover has helped reduce the county’s debt.”

Jim Ridenour, Mayor
City of Modesto


Economic Development
Safer Neighborhoods
Healthy Communities
Better Governance



Jeff Grover has pushed for traffic relief and to halt urban sprawl. After ten years of no fee increases, he spearheaded substantial increases in Stanislaus County's fees for developers.

  1. Supervisor Grover voted to raise developer fees 285% within sixty days of taking office

  2. Due to these fee increases, developers now pay the full cost of growth

  3. He also insisted on an annual review of developer fee rates

  4. Jeff Grover helped secure over $20 million for road and transportation
    projects at Highway 99, Highway 132, and Highway 219

  5. Supports allocating Prop. 42 gasoline tax funds strictly for local roads

  6. Is working with all 9 county mayors to develop a region-wide
    transportation policy

Click here to find out how Jeff Grover plans to better manage our growth, relieve traffic congestion and stop "leap frog" urban sprawl


• Farming

Agriculture is one of the foundations of our business community. It contributes over $5 billion a year into the local economy and creates numerous jobs. Jeff Grover has worked hard to protect this industry so it can continue to thrive

  1. Supports the protection of prime farmland by upholding the county "right to farm" ordinance

  2. Planned with local water districts to ensure adequate water supply for agriculture and our communities

  3. Is working with all 9 county mayors to adopt regional land use policies that protect agriculture

Click here to find out how Jeff Grover plans to support our local farm economy


•  Economic Development

  1. Worked to obtain California 's latest enterprise zone. Incentives and tax breaks in the enterprise zone create local jobs

  2. Jeff Grover helped secure over $20 million for road and transportation projects at Highway 99, Highway 132, and Highway 219

  3. Planned with local water districts to ensure adequate water supply for agriculture and our communities

  4. Is working with all 9 county mayors to develop a region-wide transportation policy

Click here to find out how Jeff Grover's next
four years will lead to a more vibrant and competitive economy


•  Safer Neighborhoods

  1. Supervisor Jeff Grover helped to add 25 new sheriffs and increase the public safety budget by 34%

  2. Because the county budget could not afford tasers for Sheriffs, on his own Jeff Grover raised private funds and personally contributed to the purchase of the Department's first supply of tasers.

Click here to find out how Jeff Grover will continue to work to make Stanislaus a safer place


• Healthy Communities

  1. Pushed for reorganization of community health services to improve
    west county medical care

  2. Supported investment of $20 million in healthcare infrastructure over a three-year period to more efficiently provide medical services for poor communities

  3. In 2003, Jeff worked hand-in-hand with the residents of the unincorporated areas around Robertson Road to bring the city of Modesto "back to the table" to fund a sewage line extension. Over 25% of septic tanks in the area were failing.


•  Better Governance

  1. Reduced county debt and cut wasteful spending by streamlining county departments

  2. Is working with all 9 county mayors to develop a region-wide transportation policy