Economic Development
Safer Neighborhoods
- Well planned, designed and funded capital improvement plans on major streets and roadways
- Increase local road and street safety at high accident locations
- Insist that all residential development takes place within city limits and follow coordinated and publicly vetted growth plans
- Update ag element of county plan to provide better direction to land owners and discourage the sub-dividing of parcels into economically unfeasible farming units.
- Continue strong support for agricultural economy
- Encourage smart growth with industrial areas used as buffers between farmland and urban areas
- Update ag section of county general plan to provide better direction to land owners and discourage the sub-dividing of parcels into economically unfeasible farming units.
- Continue working with local water districts to implement plans for adequate water supply for both agriculture and our communities
- Will make the Stanislaus County Economic Development Bank a priority in allocation of funds to be available throughout county for Cities' economic development projects
- Support the continued growth and utilization of County's Enterprise Zone
- Having "shovel-ready" business parks countywide that are properly entitled with infrastructure in place.
- Will collaborate with other county supervisors to realign budget priorities to facilitate increasing public safety budget.
- Will work closely with Sheriff Adam Christianson to increase number of patrol deputies